Stand 4223. FLEX IMPACT® – The original Polymer flexible barrier system. BOPLAN® FLEX IMPACT® has been specially developed to create Boplan
Stand 4222 GEORGE HIGH S3 ESD ■ 2,0 mm thick high strengh leather (against abrasion, Lemaitre Sécurité
Stand 4344 Hazard Recognition Training – initiation Training in recognizing safety risks and good practices on The Hazard Factory
Stand 4132 HERWEFOAM FRESH SKIN CLEANSING Fine-pored, creamy and easily spreadable foam for gentle and HERWE GmbH
Stand 4215 Het verbeteren van de gezondheid van de ademhalingswegen van diegenen die nauwsluitende ademhalingsbeschermingsmiddelen dragen door middel van gezichtsgeschiktheidstesten door een ‘Fit2Fit-gekwalificeerde’ fittester. Research shows that a significant proportion of personal protective Febelsafe vzw