GARANT Tool24 article issuing systems
Modular system solution for efficient C-article management
As always, designing lean purchasing processes for C-articles or MRO articles is a major challenge for most companies. The purchasing volumes of C-articles are small (less than 20%), but they represent a large part of the administrative burden (more than 80%) and are therefore extremely expensive.
With the GARANT Tool24 article issuing systems, you can optimize your purchasing process and the supply of tools and consumables in a sustainable way. You can implement your purchasing strategy holistically in a single database. This can drastically reduce purchasing costs and warehouse stocks. At the same time, the delivery reliability of your C-articles increases.
Advantages of the GARANT Tool24 article issuing systems
GARANT Tool24 article and tool issuing systems are the complete solution for purchasing, storing and issuing your articles, tools and parts. The systems were specially developed for the metal and metalworking industry, but are also used in the automotive, mechanical and shipbuilding industries and in the aerospace and medical industries.
Clear cost advantages (up to 50% savings potential)
Price-conscious handling of tools, PPE and operating resources.
Cost reduction and lower capital commitment thanks to automation.
Cost transparency thanks to clear classification and real-time reporting.
Distinctive efficiency advantages
Higher production capacities due to shorter lines and search times.
Integrated logistics processes with interfaces to ERP systems.
Intuitive software solutions with training instead of education.
High operational and investment security (24/7 for all levels)
Maximum delivery security 24/7/365 in all levels.
Future-proof thanks to modular, tailor-made construction.
Traceability of loan tools and measuring equipment.